Say Goodbye to Cellulite with Emtone

If you are looking for solutions to reduce cellulite and improve skin laxity without surgery, you may want to consider Emtone, proudly offered by Ajeless Health and Medical Spa. The revolutionary technology will improve your skin tone and texture, leaving you looking and feeling your best. We invite you to consult with our experienced providers to get started today!

What Is Emtone? 

Emtone is the only device that uses both thermal and mechanical energy to treat the major factors contributing to cellulite formation, including the loss of collagen and elastin, large fat chambers, poor blood circulation, and the fibrous bands that pull the skin downward, leading to bulging fat tissues. The FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment breaks down fat, smooths away cellulite, reduces circumference, and tightens and tones your skin, with noticeable, lasting results. 

How Does Emtone Work?

The cutting-edge Emtone device delivers a combination of radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to target cellulite dimples without surgery. The two technologies provide a synergistic effect that neither can achieve alone.

So, how does Emtone work? Radiofrequency is applied to your skin, warming it and triggering collagen and elastin production, which helps heal and tighten the skin from within. The device also emits acoustic waves that penetrate the skin’s surface, disrupting fat cells, boosting circulation, and reducing metabolic waste. 

The innovative Emtone technology diminishes enlarged fat chambers and improves skin laxity, tone, texture, and the appearance of cellulite. It is ideal for treating virtually anywhere on the body, including the legs, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, stomach area, love handles, and thighs. Wherever you have cellulite dimpling, Emtone may be the perfect solution for you. 

What Can You Expect During Treatment? 

During your first visit, our experienced providers will design a personalized plan to address your unique needs. Treatment sessions typically require about 20 minutes, after which you can return to your daily activities without downtime. 

During treatment, you may feel a warm sensation that most people describe as similar to a hot stone massage, along with mechanical vibrations. You can relax while our Emtone device works its magic on your cellulite or sagging skin. 

What Are the Expected Treatment Results?

Many individuals see noticeable results after just one treatment, with improvement continuing in the next few months as the collagen and elastin production continues. Most individuals require an average of four Emtone treatments scheduled once or twice weekly, with the effects of treatment lasting 3-12 months. Periodic Emtone sessions will ensure you maintain the treatment’s stunning effects. 

Emtone Cellulite Treatment Near Me in Northville, MI

If you are looking for a non-invasive solution to reduce cellulite, contact Ajeless Health and Medical Spa to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team may recommend Emtone to leave your skin toned and dimple-free. We invite you to call our office at 248-465-8000 to schedule your appointment or book one online today!