Ajeless Lotus Flower Icon


Northville, MI

Ajeless Lotus Flower Icon


Northville, MI

If you’re bothered by the fullness beneath your chin, you’re not alone.

According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 67% of people said they are bothered by the fat beneath their chin, or what your healthcare provider may refer to as “submental fullness associated with submental fat.”

Fortunately, KYBELLA® can help.

When injected into the fat beneath your chin, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Fat cleared from the treatment area is processed through your body’s natural metabolism.

For more information visit www.MyKybella.com
